Rapid and efficient learning

Rapid and efficient learning

Oct 10

You cannot learn something new linearly - there is no way to do so. You either have to go deeper in knowledge (or at least gain some experience) before you can understand how to learn faster or you just keep being confused. I'm saying this because what we often call learning or having a good understanding of something is actually memorization. When people say they really understood something after reading about it, what they mean is that they know how to remember it so well that they can recall it anytime. If you want to learn fast, you need to be able to forget everything you learned previously and start over again.

Do you ever wonder if there was a better way to do things? Learning new skills by trial and error takes a lot of time. Learn exponential learning instead - read on!

Learn how to learn

Learning is not something we do once and then forget about it. Learning is a continuous process that never stops. We have to keep learning throughout our lives. If we want to learn anything, we need to understand the concept of exponential learning. Exponential learning means that the rate at which we learn increases over time. So if we start out learning at a slow pace, we will eventually reach a point where we are able to learn much faster than before.

Learn how to learn fast

The first step towards learning how to learn fast is to recognize that we already know everything. We just don't realize it yet. Once we become aware of this fact, we can begin to change our mindset. Instead of thinking that we don't know what we're doing, we should think that we've been doing it wrong all along.

Learn how to learn efficiently

Once we've learned how to learn fast, we can use this knowledge to learn efficiently. Efficiency here refers to the amount of effort we put into learning compared to the amount of knowledge we gain. To achieve efficiency, we need to focus on the things that matter most to us.

There is no single best way to learn anything.

This may sound weird coming from me, but everyone learns differently. What works for someone else doesn't necessarily work for us. We all learn in our own unique ways. A good teacher should always take time to get to know their student's personality and strengths and help them find their own learning style.

Get rid of distractions.

If you're studying, then study. If you're learning, then learn. If you're trying to improve yourself, eliminate distractions. Don't watch TV while you try to read. Don't play video games or social network while you're trying to code. And don't answer those emails/text messages while you're trying to study. Your brain won't have enough focus to retain information if you're constantly distracted.

Make sure you're hungry.

When you're hungry, you'll pay attention better. If you eat first, you might focus less on the material than on food. But if you skip breakfast, you'll find yourself paying attention less to the things around you. That also means you can't sleep late without feeling tired too. So make sure you're eating regularly throughout the day.

Write down notes.

It helps to write down notes or summaries of what you've learned. I personally found these to be helpful as a memory aid later on. Sometimes, I'd even use my notes as a reference point when I was studying to refresh myself.

Read books backwards.

Reading an entire book completely backwards might seem impossible at first. But it's quite possible to do. First, make sure you have a comfortable place to sit. Then, set aside several hours to give yourself plenty of time. You could break it up into two sessions. After each session, reread the last page you finished. Next, move back to the beginning and continue reading.

Practice what you learn.

The best way to learn any skill is practice. Even though it seems odd at first, you should spend some time doing the same thing over and over until you completely master it. Once you've mastered it, you'll never lose your skills again.

Learn how to learn effectively

Finally, we can apply all the aspects of learning together to learn effectively. Effective learning means that we learn the right information, at the right time, and in the right context.